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custom bags

Who doesn't love something custom designed! Especially when it's a bag that you carry every day or out on the town for your hot little date! We here at the b.shigley headquarters LOVE to make custom bags. Send me an email with details about what you're looking for and we'll work together to create the perfect little bag for you!

Gettin' hitched?
“I had 6 wonderful bridesmaids with different personalities and b. shigley designs created a perfect bag for each of them Brandi helped me brainstorm designs for each girl and then worked with me until each bag was perfectly tailored.”-Amy G. Santa Monica, CA.

What a perfect way to create that little sweet number to match your dress so you can carry your favorite lipgloss, disposable camera, and tissue. Also, makes a perfect gift for your bridesmaids! To see the bags featured in Mile High Weddings, click here.

If you're getting married and are interested in custom designed bridal bags, please contact me at your earliest convenience so we can set up a meeting and get you and your bridesmaids the dream bag fit for a princess!!

Hello baby! Sometimes it's fun not to have a baby bag with little bears and things on them. This is the perfect opportunity to get your hands on a custom designed baby bag! Baby bags come with a comfy changing pad and big roomy pockets for diapers and bottles! If you'd like to get your hands on a custom designed baby bag, send me an email with some details about what you're looking for and we'll get you set up with a fun little number!