The next
How to Start Your Own Business Doing What you Love To DO will
take place on September 8th from 6-9 at my studio on 19th and
Logan in downtown Denver. Skip below to read all the juicy details...
To register
and pay for the September 8th class click here!
one of the things that b.shigley designs is really going to
start focusing on is teaching. I've been in business for 5 years
and in that 5 years, I've really learned a lot on how to start
your own business doing what you love!
Now, I
want to share that with you! I'll be setting up classes throughout
Colorado, and hopefully elsewhere but the best way to reach
people is through the internet if I simply can't get out to
your neck of the woods. So, I am devising a system in which
I can teach this class online. Bear with me as it is in the
works but soon, very soon.
me an email if you are interested in this and I will notify
you as soon as I get the online class underway. Thank you for
your patience.
are Talking:

class was just what i was looking for. she explained everything
i was beginning to feel was unexplainable.. and she did it in
a funniest.. kindest way. it really took the fear out of starting
my business."
- Emily
with Weapons
of Mass Destruction
learned sixteen truckloads of information at Brandi’s
class. Really, you feel like you are sitting there listening
to an old friend rather than sitting in a class! Her insights
were not only super helpful, but also very entertaining. Most
importantly, I learned that regular gals (or guys), just like
you and I, CAN start our own business, no matter how daunting
the task seems. Brandi breaks it down like a rockstar and you
leave motivated to roll your sleeves up and get to work. I took
what I had been casually dabbling in for years and made it into
a legit business with a website and all….no kidding!!
- Laura
with Laura Shicko Designs
(photo on right: Laura, me, and Heather who both took the class
in San Francisco and made their debut at Fashion Co-op!)
classes include:
The Learning
Annex San Diego October 2003
Muse Workshops: February 2004
The Learning Annex San Diego April 2004
Premise Intelligence Agency: May 2004
Muse Workshops: June 2004
b.shigley studio: August 2004
these workshops cover are:
a work space
Developing a brand identity
Creating a website
Marketing online
Getting your product into boutiques
Writing press releases and getting into the press
Creating events (trunkshows, etc.)
Creating a launch party for your event
And much much more!!!